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Student Resources

The Career Center

不伦瑞克社区学院(det365手机版官网)就业中心通过提供教育途径,使学生能够成功地从教育过渡到劳动力, internship opportunities, job search strategies, and ongoing career development. Why? Because det365手机版官网 believes in you!

Through personalized mentoring sessions, students can explore their interests, skills, abilities, 并重视和发现潜在的职业选择,以制定个性化的学术和职业规划,以满足他们的最终教育和职业目标.

Visit The Career Center on the main campus in Building A on the second floor, adjacent to the library.

Career Center coach and student

Our Services

  • Career Exploration & Development – Evaluate your interest, personality, skills, work styles, 价值观和能力……然后根据你的个性化结果,探索各种可能是理想“适合”的职业选择.  Anyone can use this free career exploration tool.  Start your Interest Assessment using det365手机版官网’s Career Coach Online
  • Job Search Resources – Access det365手机版官网’s Career Coach Online to search for employment opportunities in your local area and beyond. The tool provides local salary and employer information, occupational growth projections, 以及与你的职业兴趣相匹配的不伦瑞克社区学院项目的信息.  To broaden the scope of opportunities, create an account with NC’s Information Management Database.
  • Employability Skills Training – Learn how to compose tailored cover letters, resumes, and professional references for a targeted job search. Get assistance navigating and researching the current job market, completing online applications, preparing for interviews, developing soft skills essential to the workplace, gaining confidence, and understanding and discovering your professional network.

如果你以前是不伦瑞克社区学院的学生,并且需要职业帮助,我们可以提供帮助!  你可以使用就业中心提供的所有服务,包括职业研究和发展, job search, employability and soft skills training. Re-activate or create an account on det365手机版官网’s Career Coach Online.


就业中心的工作人员会帮助你联系潜在的员工. Employers can create a profile and post available job opportunities on det365手机版官网’s Career Coach Online.

Here’s how to get started:

Step 1: Visit the Career Coach Online platform

Step 2: Click Sign Up and choose Employer sign up.

Step 3: Complete your account information

Step 4: Once approved, log in to your account

Step 5: Create a live job posting.

To further increase your reach, 考虑在北卡罗来纳信息管理数据库发布你的职位空缺. Job seekers in all 100 counties of NC will be able to access your listings at NC Works.  You can self-register as an Employer. If you need assistance, contact the local NCWorks Office at 910-754-6120.

通过与职业教练合作筛选潜在候选人,雇主可以从更精简的招聘流程中受益, ultimately leading to people well-suited for your organizational needs. 我们也欢迎各公司利用就业中心的空间举办招聘活动.


  • Don’t have time to meet in person for guided resume assistance?
    det365手机版官网’s Career Coach Online 可以帮助你建立你的简历,并使用它来立即申请任何张贴在职业教练现场工作机会吗.
  • Ready to create a brand-new resume or update your old one?
    CareerOneStop’s Resume Guide will help you create a resume that will stand out in today’s job market.
  • Want step-by-step guidance to build your resume and access available jobs?
     创建您的简历,并连接到招聘雇主在所有100县北卡罗莱纳州通过 NC Works.
  • Are you interested in working for the North Carolina Community College System?
    Discover openings at Brunswick Community College and 57 other NC community colleges

找出职业的相关事实,以便做出明智的职业决定. 以下免费的网络工具提供了当前的劳动力市场信息,以指导你的选择.

  • College Foundation of North Carolina can help you Plan, Apply and Pay for college.
  • What do you want to do for a living? O*NET can give you three ways to find out:
    (1) “I want to be a…”              (2) “I’ll know it when I see it.”            (3) “I’m not really sure.”        
  • Career One Stop is a great source for Career Exploration, Training and Job Search.
  • NCWorks Online is a one-stop online resource for job seekers and employers in North Carolina. 求职者可以搜索工作,制作简历,找到教育和培训. Employers can find candidates, post jobs, and search labor market information.
  • NCcareers aims to be North Carolina’s central online resource for students, parents, educators, 求职者和职业顾问寻找高质量的工作和职业信息.
  • The 16 Personality Test measures five personality traits: Introverted versus Extraverted. Observant versus Intuitive (or in simple words, Practical versus Imaginative) Thinking versus Feeling (or in simple words, Logical versus Emotional). 人格是指构成一个人对生活的独特适应的持久的特征和行为, including major traits, interests, drives, values, self-concept, abilities, and emotional patterns.

  1. How can the Career Center help me choose the right career path? 我们经验丰富的职业教练可以提供一对一的指导,帮助您探索您的兴趣, skills, abilities, personality and values. Through personal assessments and discussions, 我们帮助您确定与您的个人属性和目标相一致的潜在职业道路.
  2. What resources are available if you are seeking employment? The Career Center offers a variety of resources, including current job listings, internship opportunities, and employer networks. 您还可以通过以下网站了解雇主的需求职业和当前工作机会 det365手机版官网’s Career Coach Online.  Through a collaborative partnership with Brunswick County’s NCWorks Career Center you also have access to a broad range of work opportunities.
  3. Is there assistance to help me build my Resume? Absolutely! Our Career Coaches can help you create or update your resume, develop effective job search strategies, and prepare you to ace the interview.
  4. 有没有可以提高我找工作和专业技能的培训班? Yes. Workshops on resume writing, interview skills, networking, 基本的软技能和其他专业发展主题贯穿全年通过就业中心提供.  请到就业中心了解目前提供的讲习班的更多信息. 
  5. Can the Career Center help me find internships relevant to my field of study? Absolutely! 我们与当地的企业和组织有合作关系,他们希望为det365手机版官网的学生提供实习机会. 我们的工作人员可以帮助您确定和申请与您的学术和职业目标一致的实习机会.
  6. 就业中心只对在校学生开放吗,还是校友也可以使用? Our services are available to both current students and alumni. Whether you are just starting your career or looking to make a change, the Career Center is here to support you throughout your professional journey.
  7. How can I stay updated on upcoming career events and job fairs? Stop by the Career Center to find out about upcoming events; or, 请关注我们的网站和社交媒体平台,了解有关招聘会的信息, employer presentations, and other networking opportunities.
  8. What online resources are available for career development? The Career Center provides access to several online tools, industry publications, and virtual workshop activities.  You can start by using det365手机版官网’s Career Coach Online 探索你的兴趣,并利用你的个人成果来探索你的职业和教育选择.  Our Career Center staff are here for you should you need assistance.
  9. 就业中心可以帮助我申请高等教育机构继续我的教育吗? Yes, we offer support for those considering further education. Our Success and Career Coaches can assist you in researching graduate programs, preparing application materials, 探索继续教育和专业发展的机会.
  10.  Is there a cost associated with the services provided by the Career Center? All Career Center services are FREE for potential and current students as well as alumni. 这包括咨询会议,研讨会,并获得大多数学习资源,包括 Career Coach Online.

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